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Rowena Day | Discerning the Presence, Power and Peace of God, Episode 1

Rowena Day | Discerning the Presence, Power and Peace of God, Episode 1

Steve Macchia and Rowena Day

Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Rowena Day

There are so many ways that our attention is pulled, and we are divorced from our own bodies which make it really hard to notice God.” – Rowena Day

Season 26 will focus on life stories that have been shaped by the presence, power and peace of God. Rowena Day was born and raised in Canada and now lives in Washington D.C with her husband Jon and their four children. She was a member of LTI’s Emmaus program and has just begun the Selah-Anglican program this month! She is passionate about creative arts, spiritual formation, soul care and its intersection with neurobiology. Rowena shares with Steve how she notices the presence of God through the mighty oceans and in the minute details of our lives. Rowena encourages us with the notion that only when our mind, heart, body and spirit are fully integrated can we be receptive to what God has for us in the present.

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